The staff and I are so blessed to be able to witness so many of those small things that occur in the dinner hall and on the playground that makes lunchtimes such a special time of day. The acts of kindness, selflessness and compassion that is shown and shared so many times between the children so effortlessly, fills our hearts with joy on a daily basis. and this week has been no exception.
The playground has rung out with laughter, as games have been played, jokes shared and friends simply being together. Unicorns and vets have visited us this week, alongside a cone shop and the mighty power rangers! Super heroes with an array of special talents have been busy saving the day, whilst races have been won and tennis matches played. There is never a dull moment to be had!
Mr Nay has continued to deliver varying activities for all the children to enjoy. It is so lovely to see them beaming with achievement and joy during his sessions, along with their rosy cheeks!
Foundation Stage.
Role Model of the Week: Louisa Reception
Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Ava Reception
Keystage 1
Table of the Week: Year 1
Role Model of the Week: Roseanna Year2
Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: William Year 1
Lower Keystage 2.
Table of the Week: Year 4
Role Model of the Week: Kiefer Year 4
Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Ruby Lily Year 3
Upper Keystage 2.
Table of the Week: Year 6
Role Model of the Week: Fin Year 5
Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Sol Year 6
Congratulations children and thank you so much for being such wonderful role models .
We hope that you all have a wonderful and relaxing weekend
God Bless
The Lunchtime Team