How fast the weeks are passing by, each day brings us new learning, new struggles, new laughter, new experiences, we are most definitely in this together.
In Art…
Year one learned about hot and cold colours and watched a lovely video about them, we cut and sorted the printed shapes and created lovely lines in both hot and cold colours like the artist Richard Long.
Year two made their in topic Christmas cards, these are 3D with an element of Aboriginal printing. These are a little specail secret that will come home to you at the end of term.
Year three Looked at the optical art of Victor Varasely, using a ruler and black and white papers we created our own version, we will expand on his work next week.
Year four learned how to use watercolour paints properly, and tried two ways to use them. We were amazed how the paint looked as it spread with the water. These will be used to create our Christmas card this year. We also looked at the artist Georgia O’Keefe and her stunning watercolour pictures. We will have a go at these in the coming weeks.
Year five added the second third, the red layer to our Reduction Block Prints ands were amazed at how they are now starting to look. We also preped for our Christmas cards which are being created along side our main art feature.
Year six recapped on the simple stitches for cross stitch and had a practie with a sampler piece of binka material. Normally I would have enrolled the assistance of willing parents and grandparents in the sewing weeks as many hands make light work, but due to covid restrictions, it’s just me I’m afraid, so patience was key. These will eventually become our last Primary school Christmas card and one to keep and treasure.
The Home Gallery has new artwork added this week from some year one artists, do go and have a look. If you have any art, baking, model making or any creatve outlets you would like to share with us please take a photo and send it to me at and I will add it to the Home Gallery.
Have a good weekend, I believe many christmas trees fgo up this weekend. Have fun and stay safe.
God bless
Mrs Curtis