It’s amazing to think we are one week away from the end of the first full term! What a great week we have had in Reception, ending with the fun of Christmas hat day. Thank you for all your donations!
We have had a busy week of learning and growing our brains.
In RE this week we shared the story of Jesus’ birth. We thought about how Mary and Joseph felt throughout the story and drew pictures to sequence and retell the story. We hope you enjoy the pictures below showing how we chose to tell the story.
In Maths this week we have been creating repeating patterns Christmas trees using different objects in our classroom. The noughts and crosses competition was really heating up outside this week, we are getting better at keeping an eye on our partners cones as well as our own. We also used some Peppa Pig Christmas wrapping paper to creating a counting and matching game, you could do something similar at home with any wrapping paper you have lying around!
In RWI we have learnt three new sounds, our last sounds of Set 1. We have enjoyed doing star jumps to make ‘x’ and made our very own thing on a string because they kept escaping, hopefully none have snuck into school bags!
Let’s Celebrate
Martha and Anna are Cooperative Rodger Robins - For being a great team players in our class and caring for others, our resources and our classroom. They have shown kindness towards others and always set a great example to the rest of the class. Well done Anna and Martha!
Important Notices
Homework - Can be found in yellow books this week. Please return homework books next Wednesday.
Please return all flashcards on Monday - We would like to check if they are all complete and add any sounds you child may have missed.
Tuesday 15th December - Danceathon - £1 donation to take part (Please wear PE kits).
All donations will be given to Brian House Hospice.
Have a wonderful weekend from all the Reception team!