"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given..."

Well … Christmas is here, and what a term it’s been! I couldn’t be more proud of the children. They have adapted to new school routines seamlessly and have taken everything in their stride. Being together with only our class bubble hasn’t always been easy, but the children have shown what resilient and kind young people they are. I also want to say a huge thank you to you, our Year 2 families! You have been so supportive in the strangest of times and your children have continued to grow.

Even with the holidays growing closer, the children have continued buzzing around our classroom with enthusiasm and have focused on their work like Cooper Crabs. All of the children have written AMAZING stories in English and I have loved reading each one. The vocabulary used has blown me away.

On Tuesday, between our wonderful dancing for the danceathon, the children reflected upon what the gift of Jesus means to them. As always, the class shared some wonderful ideas as we grow closer to the day of Jesus’ birth. We have also been busy filming a special Christmas poem for you all to enjoy.

We all had great fun dancing, singing and playing at our Christmas party yesterday. I couldn’t wait to tell the children that Father Christmas had visited me after school one day and delivered a sack filled with presents for the class! What a happy day we all had!

Let’s Celebrate

Pippa, you have been a real Creative Kiki Chameleon this week.  Your ‘Great Fairy Tale Disaster’ story was amazing and I loved reading every sentence.  You have worked so hard this term and this has most definitely shown in the writing you have produced.  I can’t wait to see what you will achieve next term!  Well done!

What an enthusiastic Bobby Bee you have been this week Rose.  You have had a huge smile on your face for the whole week and nothing has ever been too much trouble for you.  You have kept your focus in every lesson and have still been offering lots of thoughts and ideas to the class.  Well done Rose – I’m sure you will come back just as enthusiastic after the holidays ready for even more learning! 


There is no home learning set for over the Christmas holidays. I hope that you enjoy this special time with your families and find time to relax.

I have collected school reading books in so that they don’t get lost in Santa’s sack over the holidays. Please do however, continue to read with your child as much as possible. I have heard that many children have popped a dictionary on their Christmas list, so I am looking forward to welcoming lots of word whizzes back to the class in January!

PE days after the holidays are slightly different. Indoor PE will take place on Tuesdays and Yoga and outdoor PE will take place on Wednesdays. As always, children can come to school wearing their school tracksuits on these days.

From all of us here in Year 2,
We wish you a Happy and Holy Christmas. We look forward to seeing you on Monday 4th January in the new year!

Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly, Mrs Malley and Mrs Carter