"It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open doors of hope"

This week has been a lovely one in class. We have spent time reflecting upon the period of Advent and what we are going to try and give back as part of this special time. The children wrote their own Advent promises which are now being beautifully displayed in the school hall. As we have been unable to put on our usual Nativity productions, we have also been busy practising for a Nativity performance with a twist. Look out for this on the school website next week!

This week we also said goodbye to Miss Coupe. Miss Coupe has been helping out in our class for the initial part of her teacher training. We wish you lots of luck for the future Miss Coupe!

English has been filled with amazing story telling. We have continued to learn our focus story ‘The Fairy Tale Disaster’, which the children are now fantastic at retelling! I’m sure they will blow your socks off when they perform this for you for home learning! We have also learned to use ‘before’, ‘when’ and ‘after’ in our sentences, and the children were surprised to discover that these words can go both at the beginning and in the middle of sentences. Already they are looking forward to including these in their writing.

The children are also becoming increasingly more confident when working with money in maths. They can now recognise and add notes and coins. They also recognise that amounts can be made with different combinations of notes and coins. As we are limited with what we can touch in class at the moment, it would be great if your child could investigate any loose change you may have lying around your house. Maybe they could count this up for you or sort it into different amounts. Your support is always greatly appreciated.

Well done Year 2 - keep up the hard work!

Let’s Celebrate

Your writing has been amazing this week Cora – you have certainly shown that you are a ‘Creative Kiki Chameleon!’  You have listened so carefully to the teaching within lessons and have tried really hard to use new skills in your writing.  I have loved hearing your ideas for your version of a fairy tale with a twist, and I can’t wait to read your finished story next week. 

You have transformed into such an ‘Enthusiastic Bobby Bee’ Maddie!  I can’t quite believe just how much your confidence has grown already in Year 2.  It is a joy to see your hand going up during lessons, even when you aren’t always quite sure of the answer.  Your self-belief is growing day by day which is helping you to make so much progress in your learning.  You should feel extremely proud of yourself – well done!   

Well done to Pippa, Esther, Rose, Erin, Ola, Arthur and Millie who have achieved 100% on three quizzes in a row this week during reading time. Each week we will also be selecting two Star Reader children - those children who haven’t quite got 100% on three quizzes but have tried really hard during reading sessions or may be reading thicker books which take longer to get through. Well done to our Star Readers Michael and Rex! I hope that you all enjoy reading your chosen book from our special shelf with your families this weekend. Please don’t forget to return these books on Tuesday and take extra special care with them - remember they belong to Lancashire Library, not school!


The weather has certainly grown colder this week, but in class, we must still keep windows open to help keep the air circulated. Please ensure that your child is wrapped up warm each day to prevent them from feeling cold whilst learning. They can always take layers off if they are feeling too hot.

You may have noticed a new ‘remote learning’ button underneath the ‘learning from home' button on the Year 2 class blog page. Please feel free to click on the button and have a look around. This is where tasks will be placed if your child is unable to access learning in school.

Given the current situation that we are all in, the school have decided that this year fundraising will take place solely for different charities as they need our help now more than ever. Each class has been given a charity to raise money for in their own way. Year 2’s charity is the wonderful Brian House Children’s Hospice.

Christmas Jumper Day - Friday 11th December - Our first fundraiser in Year 2 will be a Christmas jumper day. On this day, the children can come to school wearing a Christmas jumper or other festive clothing. We do ask however, that no other items such as hats or head band boppers are worn as we still must limit the amount of objects being brought in from home. Non uniform trousers/skirts and shoes can also be worn but please ensure that these are sensible as we will be completing other fun activities on this day on the school field. A donation of £1 would be kindly received, but this must be in the form of a £1 coin as we also want to limit the handling and counting out of money.

Christmas Danceathon Day - Tuesday 15th December - This much anticipated annual event will return with a slight twist this year. The children can come to school wearing their PE kits and we will dance the day away to Christmas music when Miss Hornby sounds those school bells. Unfortunately there will be no gathering on the school playground to dance as a school community, but we are looking forward to getting our groove on in our classroom! Again, donations of £! for this event in the single coin.

Christmas Party Day - Thursday 17th December - This year we will be enjoying those Christmas party games in our classrooms. On this day, children can come to school in their best party clothes, but please do remember sensible footwear and warm layers as we will still be going out for playtimes. A small snack of a chocolate bar or a packet of crisps with a drink (no fizzy please) can also be brought into school to be enjoyed after the party. We will also be enjoying a Christmas dinner for lunch.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to ask.

Have a great weekend.

God Bless,
Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly, Mrs Malley and Mrs Carter