Rest and be thankful.

The last week of this half term was one of the busiest and most exciting with our E-safety day and a visit from the inspiring Craig McCann to add to our already jam packed timetable of fantastic learning.

Year 4 started online safety day with a puzzle created by our class digital leaders and this led the children and Mrs Mather to some in depth discussion about our online identities. As the day went on with quizzes, self portraits, role plays and word art the children showed real maturity to discuss the issues which affect them in the digital world we live in. Well done Year 4.

On Thursday I welcomed footballers, gymnasts, runners and martial arts experts into the classroom (some also with swimming hats to make the outfits even more interesting!) for our athlete visit day. Thank you very much for all the sponsor money year 4 collected, some children must have been out with those sponsor forms at every family members’ houses as our class collection was extremely generous. After an hour of tough swimming the children returned to their turn with Craig McCann and his exercise class, not one complained that they had only been back in school for ten minutes. Each child attempted the session with fantastic perseverance and they made me tired just watching them (someone had to be on photograph duty). Mrs Mather bravely joined in and I even gave it a go when I saw what fun everyone was having. (Photos will be added of both of these days after the holidays).


On Thursdays our coach arrives at 8.45am and I aim to be ready to greet it so we can be in the pool for 9am. As the weeks have progressed it is getting more difficult to do this as some children are only arriving as we are walking out the door. A couple of times we have had to send a child chasing after the register to add late children and their lunch choices on as we are all lined up and ready to go.  The children need to be at school at 8.30am so they can put bags away and make lunch choices, then I can complete the register and lunch list then pair them up ready to leave on time.  Quite a lot to do with up to 30 children in fifteen minutes as I’m sure you can imagine, I am in need of a rest by 9 o’clock from the frantic start to Thursdays at the moment!  Thank you very much to those early birds who are eagerly crowded around the door by 8.30, it is much appreciated.

Let’s celebrate

This week our yoga stars are the whole class, Mrs Ward commented on the amazing progress the class have made.

Our swimming stars are Victor, Harvey and Eli. Victor and Harvey this week moved into the deeper end of the pool, well done boys. Eli showed great stamina in the pool with his butterfly stroke.

Madame Jefferson chose Finian, Faye and Ava to be her French stars this week.

To choose the certificates for Year 4 is always a tricky task as the class have worked so hard.

This week though I was particularly impressed by Lily A who is our focused Cooper Crab and Jessica who is our resilient Sadie Spider.

Lily’s work in Accelerated Reader sessions is great, she is hurtling towards her targets and always scores very well on the quizzes to check her understanding. Lily has definitely caught the reading bug and it is lovely to see her enjoy that quiet reading time each day. Keep up the excellent work Lily!

Jessica is one of the best Sadie Spiders I know, she isn’t fearful of making a mistake and learning from them. She will keep on going until she gets there and I admire the perseverant attitude she has. In maths this week she has been spotting patterns in times tables and showing off the good work she has been doing at home. Well done Jessica!

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and have some nice things planned for the week ahead, enjoy your rest and take care of yourselves and your family.

Miss Edmondson