Welcome Back!

It was wonderful to see so many smiley faces walking through the door on Monday morning, eager to start a new half term here in Year 2. The week has flown by, and before the blink of an eye, we’ve arrived at Friday again! The children have amazed me with how focused they have returned to school and how quickly they always adapt back to our school routines and expectations.

The children were excited to see that our class book shelf had been filled with numerous copies of our new focus story ‘Flat Stanley’. After looking really carefully at the front cover and predicting what we thought was going to happen in the story, we finally got round to reading chapter 1 this morning. Already the children are hooked and can’t wait to discover what Stanley will get up to next.

Maths has been filled with shape once again, with Mrs Gawthrope introducing symmetry and 3D shapes to the children. See if the children can spot any 3D shapes around your home and can remember their mathematical name.

It was lovely to celebrate Ash Wednesday as a whole school community on Wednesday morning. The children were so reverent and calm and found themselves lost in their thoughts of Lent and the importance of almsgiving and kindness at this special time of year.

The children also thoroughly enjoyed our First Aid session on Tuesday morning, where they learned and practised some very important life skills. I was also incredibly proud of the children as they asked some really interesting questions and thought carefully about why we were learning the skills - some very different to what Florence Nightingale would have done!

Let’s Celebrate

You have worked so hard this week Millie, especially in Maths. You have shown such enthusiasm and are always keen to answer questions. Your kind nature always shines in the classroom, particularly when you’re offering to help others finish their work with a big smile on your face. Well done!

You have been such a Cooperative Roger Robin all week Leo. You have been ready to learn every lesson and have shown such enthusiasm, especially in History, which is certainly evident in your beautifully presented work.  Well done!


As we begin our journey through Lent, we have thought carefully about what we would like to do in school to give to others who need it. We have decided that this year we would like to collect for Cafod but would collect a little differently to previous years. This term, our school virtues are ‘grateful and generous’, and so we thought it would be nice for children to collect money by giving their time and kindness to others. Each week I will be posting a little challenge for the children to complete, with a suggestion of how much money they could earn for carrying out the challenge at home. The children will then bring the money they have earned into class to be collected in our class almsgiving box. We all can’t wait to see how much money we can collect by being so generous with our actions.

This week’s challenge: lend a helping hand and help to put away the shopping - 20p.

World Book Day - Many children have been asking if we are dressing up for World Book Day this year. As a school we recognise that sometimes finding and creating a costume can be demanding for families, and so we choose to celebrate this event every two years. As we dressed up last year, we will not be dressing up this year but will be completing book related activities in class.

The book fair is coming to school and will be open from 3:30pm on Thursday 5th March, Friday 6th March and Monday 9th March.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families,
Miss Woodend, Mrs Gawthrope and Mrs Connolly