"I have not failed,I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"

With only one week of this half term left (I can’t believe it either!), the children have continued to work as hard as ever to reach those targets they set at the beginning of the year. The children have fully immersed themselves into the adventures of Frog and Toad, and Mrs Gawthrope has been amazed by the children’s writing and the range of sentences they use. I know the class are very excited to get creative with their stories next week and to show Mrs Gawthrope what ‘Creative Kiki Chameleons’ they can be.

Maths lessons have been filled with ‘Don’t Give Up Sadie Spiders’ as we have continued to look at the tricky skill of division. The class have found it tricky to transition from multiplication to division, but with the smiles and enthusiasm in this morning’s sessions, I think it’s safe to say that the children have got it! Well done Year 2 - this shows exactly what happens when you ‘try, try, try!’.

In RE this week, the children thought carefully about how they, as followers of Christ, can spread the good news of Jesus. They were excited to see that photographs of themselves had been transformed into news reporters and that they had the job of writing a news bulletin for that day, and what a great job they did! The following day, the children were then given the challenge of creating their own prayer and liturgy session for the rest of class. They did this in partners and thought carefully about what message of good news they would like to share with their friends. They are very much looking forward to sharing these with each other in the chapel after the half term holidays.

Please see below photographs from our introduction to our ‘Living Things’ topic in science. During this session, the children looked at a range of fruit and vegetables and had a guess as to what they thought they were. This will then lead nicely into our learning about ‘what keeps us healthy’ in the coming weeks.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done, Fran. You have worked exceptionally hard in English this week. You are continually striving to improve your work, searching for any opportunity to add extra adjectives to your writing and it is always a delight to read. I’m
very proud of you and the Bobby Bee that you are!

Max, you have been unstoppable in English this this week. You are proof that when you put your mind to something, you can achieve fantastic work. You are a delight to teach and your enthusiasm for Mathematics lights up the room. We are very proud of you – keep smiling Max, because the whole world smiles with you!


First Aid training - As mentioned in last week’s blog, the children will be taking part in a mini first aid session as part of their history learning. The cost of the session is £2 and is to be paid via ParentPay. Please could all payment be made before the end of next week. Thank you.

We have Paralympian Craig McCann visiting us on Thursday 13th. Craig will be chatting to the children about his achievements in a whole school assembly, but will also be setting the children little challenges to complete throughout the day. Please don't forget to keep collecting those sponsors. On this day, the children can come to school wearing any uniform they may wear for out of school clubs or sporting activities - for example dance classes, taekwondo, beavers etc. However, we do ask that the children are comfortable in their uniforms and that they are suitable for school, as they will be exercising in them throughout the day. Normal school trainers should be worn. If you are unsure or your child does not have any uniform from an out of school activity, the children can wear their school tracksuits.

School closes for the half term holidays at the normal time of 3:30pm on Friday 14th February. We will welcome the children back to school on Monday 24th February at 8:45am.