"The world of reality has its limits, the world of imagination is boundless"-Jean-JaquesRoussceau

Imaginations have been running wild this week at lunch time. With glimpses of witches flying high in the sky and their echoing cackles ringing out across the school, the children discovered that with a little imagination, anything is possible. In fact, I do believe that one was spotted today running amok in the playground. Apparently, she has long, red, curly hair, a rather large nose, black dress, pointy hat and of course a broomstick. If you should see her flying around, then please do let us know!

Meanwhile across the rest of the playground, we have had games of Sardines, Disney character charades and a persuasive letter being written to Boris Johnson with an urgent appeal to tackle global warming.

Mr Nay, with the assistance of Mr Lyons, a past pupil, has delivered fun filled sporting activities such as bean bag target throwing and catch, cricket and general ball skills. The children have such a wonderful time with him and are always eager to share their sporting experiences with us.

Table of the Week: Keystage 1 table of the week goes to Bamber and for Keystage 2, Marsden. Thank you and well done children for making the dining room a delightful place to be.

Role Models of the Week: Role Models of the week for both Keystages are; Chloe Reception, Max Y2, India Y3, Reuben Y6. Thank you and well done to you all. You all have such wonderful qualities that shine through on a daily basis.

Jaqui’s Marvelous Manners: This week, Jaqui has been serving up a variety of delicious meals from a mid week roast to cheese whirls, followed by mouth watering desserts. The children have been leaving the hall looking very full, replenished, bursting with energy and ready to take on the afternoons learning and challenges. Marvelous Manners goes to: Rex and Sofia Y1 and Isabella and Jack Y3. Well done to you all and thank you for having marvelous manners.

Have a lovely weekend, let’s hope the sun keeps shining so that you can all enjoy some outdoor fun.

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team