Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 13th February

Because the children have visited London on Friday I have kept the homework simple and relaxing. They will be tired so it is important that they rest before next week.


Reading is relaxing and enjoyable. Many of the children are near to their reading target for this half term. I know how keen they are to get as close to 100 as possible. A couple of class members are reading bigger challenging books and this has been their only book this half term- it is really important that these children finish before next Friday. Find a quiet corner in the house and settle to read- thank you.


We are studying multiplies and factors in maths - we need to master all those table facts. It is clear that some of us are just rusty and others need to train their memory. Research tells us that to retain number facts we have to be able to retrieve them quickly from our long term memory- pulling them into our working memory. To do this we have to practice daily- once a week just doesn’t have an impact. I have shown the children the “Maths Trainer”- this interactive program gives the child quick fire table facts over a set time 1, 2 or 5 mins. It is intuitive if they get it wrong it will continue to ask them until they self correct. I have attached a little visual guide here- I have also shown the children in class.

The Taming of the Shrew

If your child has lines in the play could they please learn them. It is really important that we use the words Shakespeare wrote so we have to learn the accurately- no paraphrasing thank you.


If your child plays the flute- they are asked to practice every week. Some of the these children are playing in the play so they have extra practice (improvised).


Please let your child recount their day. I will upload the pictures we have taken on Monday so you can share them and they can explain what they saw and what they learnt. Sadly, there will not be any images in the chambers or H of P as cameras are not allowed.

Sponsor forms

Please take time to collect some friendly sponsors for our special sports day next Thursday- remember to come in on Thursday in your club outfit.

Have a lovely week!