Home learning given out 7.2.2020 to be handed in on 13.2.2020

Flute— Please practise ‘We will rock you’,  ‘Prince of Belair’ and ‘Mamma Mia’ this week on your flute.

Maths—Please play on this game to practise your times tables. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button  Please practise 3s, 4s and 6s. If needed recap on 2s, 5s and 10s. Please write a comment in your child’s homework book so I can see how they are getting on and so I can award them learning points.

RE—As part of my teacher worship this week we discussed how we could help try to combat loneliness in our community, the children came up with some lovely ideas. One of their ideas was to make cards for people who may be lonely and to give these out, I loved this suggestion and Father Peter has very kindly said that we can have a box of them placed at the back of church. Please can each child make at least one card to go in the box (feel free to make more), bring them into school by Thursday and I will pass them on to Father Peter. Make them bright and colourful please children. Inside you could write something like this

To the reader of this card

Remember you are not alone, Jesus is in your heart.

Love the Year 4 children at Our Lady Star Star of the Sea (We are not adding names to keep our children safe).

Spellings— Please continue to practise the spellings given on 3.2.2020 for the spelling quiz on 10.2.2020.