Year 5 homework to be handed in on Thursday 19th March


Please read every night - we are half way through the half term and our astronauts (reading target wall) are steadily climbing to the moon! Keep up the focus!


This week the children have moved on from the expanded method when completing long multiplication- they are now using the short method. A couple of members of the class helped me to make a little teaching video for you to see. The children have to sit you down and explain the method to you. There are then 8 sums to complete by you- your child will then mark them! I have also given them 8 sums to complete on their own and you can check these! Have fun teachers and be well behaved pupils- mums and dads!

Please click on the “how to help your child at home button” on our blog page for the video


I have set you a research task on Purple Mash all about Galileo- please complete

Science/Sci-fi writing- FOR MONDAY

Next week we will begin our work on Science Fiction. I start this work with an exploration of science-fiction toys. If you have any please bring them on Monday morning. These could include, toy aliens, star wars related toys, astronaut figures etc.


I would like the children to teach you the following saying:

Mr Van eats messy jam sandwiches under Newcastle Pier! They will tell you why.


Relative clause are a very important grammar structure , which we learn in Year 5. I have set you a relative clause task on Purple Mash- have Fun!