"You'll never know your strength until you've faced your struggles"

Although class numbers have depleted over the last week, the children have remained in high spirits and have continued with day to day learning to the best of their ability. Naturally, there have been questions and curiosity, but the children have come to realise that at this moment, taking each day as it comes is all we can do.

The whole class are sending their love and prayers to those families who are already in self isolation and the class has not been the same without you all. With that being said, we wish you well and are continually keeping you and your families in our thoughts.

Following Government guidelines, from Friday afternoon, the school will be closed for the majority of children. Miss Hornby will have been in touch with families in special circumstances whose children will come into school on Monday.

For those learning from home, I will be posting daily learning challenges here on my blog. These will be linked with the Year 2 learning objectives and will continue to develop the children’s knowledge and skills whilst at home over the coming weeks. I will also be posting a list of great websites to use which should also keep that learning ticking over. The children have come home with 3 books - one to be used for maths work and jottings, one for English and writing based tasks, and one for general topic and art work. Please do use these, as we will be looking at them together as a class when we return to school to see what has been achieved.

Please, please, please do stay in touch with me. I can’t wait to see what the children will be getting up to at home and really want to celebrate achievements with you all. Contact can be made through my email:
l.woodend@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk, but please do bear in mind that I may still be in school or may be working from home and so might not be able to respond straight away. Parents, please do also contact me with any questions or queries - I am here to help!

Let’s Celebrate

Well done Franek, you have been a real ‘Enthusiastic Bobby Bee’ this week. You have shown focus and enthusiasm in every lesson and have brightened up our days with your infectious smile and your positive nature. Your determination to get work completed has been a joy to witness this week, and I really hope this continues when we return back to school.

Alexander, what a ‘Have a go Tommy Turtle’ you have been this week. You have thrown yourself into every given task and have shown just what you are capable of. You have listened to advice and have kept going, even when learning has become tricky and challenging. It has been a pleasure to have such a focused and positive learner in our class, well done!

As a school, we are wishing each and everyone of you well at this uncertain time.

Stay safe and God bless,

Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly and everyone here at Our Lady Star of the Sea!