Year 1 - Friday 27th March - Home Learning Challenges

Happy Friday children! We’re nearly at the end of our first week of home learning. Here are today’s activities…

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm


Today I would like you to watch the set 2 and set 3 speed sounds, by clicking on the link.


Today you are a weather reporter. Write a weather report for the United Kingdom today. Can you use North, East, South and West? Naughty elephants squirt water! Can you warm up your brains by playing the North, East, South, West game with your family?


Follow the link below to read along with a book called ‘A Sunflower’s Life Cycle’. Just like we do in our Read Write Inc. lessons, I would like you to read this book for a third time, on your own. Can you read the book confidently and smoothly?

Remember to go on Accelerated Reader Ebooks today and read your chosen book from yesterday. Don’t forget to quiz when you are ready to! You have all go new accelerated reader targets - let’s grow our reading sunflowers too!


Grown ups please go to the following website: . Today I would like you to do Lesson 2 Measure Mass, with your child.  There is a short video for you to watch and discuss together. Please pause the video and give your child time to explain their reasoning to you. Following on from this, there is some questions for your child to answer.   

On SumDog I have set you an exciting challenge all to do with comparing weight and mass. You have until next Wednesday to do this work.


Tune in to The Body coach for ‘PE with Joe’ at 9 o’clock this morning, to get you warmed up for the day ahead.

Tiger Challenge

Can you be a human weighing scale and hold an object in each hand. Which is heavier and which is lighter?

Don’t forget to keep emailing me photos of your brilliant learning. Have a fantastic day and a brilliant weekend, I will back again on Monday morning.

Miss Lane