Year 1 - Tuesday 14th April - Home Learning Challenges

Good morning year 1! Welcome back, I hope you had a wonderful Easter with your families and made the most of the sunshine. We are now in our Summer term and I have some very exciting learning planned for you this term! This week I thought I would try something a little different. I will be posting Phonics, Reading, English and Maths activities for you to complete daily. However, any other activities that I would like you to do are shown on the image below and should be finished by Friday. This means that as a family, you can sit down and create a timetable of when you would like to complete the activities. You may choose to complete more than one in a day which will give you some free time on another day, or you may continue to complete one activity per day. It is entirely up you - this is your home learning! I have attached a PDF version of the challenges below as this will enable you to click on the links I have included.

Weekly Challenges wc 13th April image.PNG

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm


Today I would like you to watch the set 2 and set 3 speed sounds, by clicking on the link.

Have you explored Phonics Play yet? If not, have a go!


This week we are going to be reading the wonderful book, Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy by Lynley Dodd. Grown ups, read along with your child with the sound on, or mute the sound and read the story out loud to your child. Encourage your child to join in with the repetitive phrases in the story.

Discuss with your child - why do you think the dog is called Hairy Maclary? Ask your child to write and complete the following sentence: I think he is called Hairy Maclary because…

Discuss - where was Hairy Maclary going? Ask your child to write and complete the following sentence: He was going…. and… Check for capital letters for names and at the start of the sentence and for full stops at the end.


I would love your child to read for 25 minutes today. Remember they don’t need to do this all in one go, it would be lovely to have pockets of reading throughout the day.

EPIC READING - Let’s keep growing a love of reading! I am very excited because of a new reading resource for your child to use - Epic Reading. Epic reading can be used online or on the app. It has a huge selection of ebooks, completely free and the best thing is…you can find books using your child’s ZPD level! This is brilliant as it means your child can read books that accurately match their reading level. There are also lots of quizzes to do. It’s super easy to set up, using your email. If you would like to get involved, please email me on I will then link your email to your child’s profile so that you can access the books at home. Mrs Lyons has made a video on How to help your child showing you how to use this brilliant resource. Miss Hornby has also asked if in the email you send, you can give permission for us to add your email to Teachers to Parents; it would be very handy to have your emails saved on our system.


Grown ups please go to the following website: . Today I would like you to do Lesson 3 Step 2, Make Equal Groups with your child.  There is a short video for you to watch and discuss together. Please pause the video and give your child time to explain their reasoning to you. Following on from this, there is some questions for your child to answer.  Remember, the questions can be answered in your child’s maths book, please don’t feel that you have to print them out.

Enjoy! Don’t forget to keep emailing me photos of you doing your home learning, seeing your big smiley faces makes my day!

Miss Lane