Year 1 - Friday 24th April Home Learning Challenges

Good morning year 1! Well done for another super week of learning. You have all worked your socks off this week, give yourself a big round of applause!

What are we learning today?

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm


Today I would like you to watch the set 2 and set 3 speed sounds, by clicking on the link.

Practising phonics everyday is crucial, please make time to watch the speed sound videos and encourage your child to join in with the teacher. You could even make your own set of sound cards. If we were at school I would be assessing the children on their phonics and seeing where they need extra support. As this is sadly not possible for me to do, I would like you to spend some time this week looking more closely at your child’s phonics.

Using the speed sounds below, look at each sound with your child and check their recognition and pronunciation of the sounds. Are there any sounds that they are struggling with? Make note of these sounds and make sure you are practising them daily. There are lots of fun ways to practise sounds with your child. Your child could sort words that have the focus sound from words that don’t (it is important that your child can recognise what is and what isn’t the focus sound). You could create your own special flashcard for the sound and gather lots of words/pictures that contain the sound. You could try and spot the sound in a story. You could practise spelling the sound in words. You could make a silly soup, placing different words/objects in a bowl that contain the sound. Be as creative as possible!



Purple Mash has a brilliant resource called ‘Serial Mash’ which we now have access to. This week all of the English tasks will be based on a story called ‘Anna and the Third Leaf’ which I have set in the children’s ‘To Do’ area, on Purple Mash. Today you are reading Chapter 5.


Grown ups please go to the following website: . Today I would like you to do Summer Term - Week 2 Lesson 2, Find a quarter (1), with your child.  There is a short video for you to watch and discuss together. Please pause the video and give your child time to explain their reasoning to you. Following on from this, there is some questions for your child to answer. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend in the sunshine. Let’s make the most of it and get outside! I will be back 8am on Monday with another exciting week of learning for you all.

Missing you all lots,

Miss Lane