Year 1 - Friday 1st May Home Learning Challenges

Good morning year 1! You have worked so hard this week, I am immensely proud of you all. Can you believe that we are at the end of another week of learning and at the start of a new month? We’ve got one final push of learning before a well deserved break at the weekend. Let’s go!

What are we learning today?

Note for parents: When watching the RE video please note that the disciples describe Jesus as a ‘ghost’, (at first they thought he was a ghost). I don’t want this to cause any upset, so please take time to explain what the disciples meant by this. T…

Note for parents: When watching the RE video please note that the disciples describe Jesus as a ‘ghost’, (at first they thought he was a ghost). I don’t want this to cause any upset, so please take time to explain what the disciples meant by this. Thank you!

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm


Today I would like you to watch the set 2 and set 3 speed sounds, by clicking on the link.


Watch How to Take Care of a Pet: or this one: if your chosen pet is a dog. You could read to your child the information on one of the pets from

Talk to your child about their pet or one they have learnt about and what it would need to be looked after. Use action words (verbs) such as: take, brush, clean, make, play etc. to start your sentences. Ask your child to write a set of instructions for someone to follow if they were to look after their own pet or one of choice. They could be set out as follows: How to look after a __ What you will need: 1. 2. 3. 4. etc. Add drawings or pictures to enhance.


Today I want you to be Lizzie Ladybirds and revisit some learning, you would like to practice. Have a go at one of the activities below.

Counting forwards and backwards in ones

Counting forward and backwards in twos

Counting forwards and backwards in fives

Representing numbers within 50

Ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.)

Counting with tens and ones

Comparing numbers of objects

Ordering numbers

Have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Lane