Year 5 Tuesday March 24th Learning from Home!

FIRST THINGS FIRST HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ELIZABETH FOR YESTERDAY- I sent her a birthday cake via e-mail from us all!! We all hope you had a lovely day!

Thank you to all the children who sent me their work yesterday- via email. Great job! I can see you on Sumdog too and Rhys was the highest scorer yesterday- who will it be today? Ethan managed to balance 14 items including a cow- if you haven’t played yet you need to so you understand why Ethan is balancing one!!!!!! Isabella got crafty and made a UFO out of rubbish and I have a film of Archie doing his kick-ups!. I haven’t received an email from everyone yet. Please make this your first priority today. Other children have used their parents email which is great. If you’re struggling use the contact button on this page or say hi via the class blog which has been set up on Purple Mash


Send a message or photo to Mrs H at:


English grammar warm up!!


Reading comprehension and vocabulary. This text “Time Spinners” is set in the future!


Maths warm up on Sumdog- Mixed table challenge- you need to be hot on your tables for today’s maths lesson- it’s a biggy!

Task 5

Play the film to continue with you long division lessons

Keeping Fit

I have set a link here to Joe Wick- the online coach who is streaming and daily exercise class for children while they are at home. Alice and Callum-Sean (and siblings) all completed it today and they highly recommend it!!

FINALLY - Keeping in touch with our friends. I have set up a class blog in Purple Mash. This is a safe place to chat to one another. This is a place to reach out friendship to every member of our class.

See you tomorrow!!!

I reply to all emails ASAP!!!