Wednesday 25th March - Year 2 Home Learning Challenges

Hello Year 2!

I have absolutely loved seeing all of your photographs of your hard work at home! Keep it up, you’re all working brilliantly!

Enjoy today’s activities!


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am


Have a go at accessing the (rather long) link below. This is the Accelerated Reading scheme that we use at school offering free ebooks to read at home. Make a list of the books that you would like to read over the next couple of weeks, and then …. start reading! You can click the information button on the books to see what reading ZPD level they are, so check that they are within your range, or you may even want to challenge yourself a little!



Complete the task I have set for you today - Coin calculation within 20p. Don’t forget that you can complete other fluency and skill building tasks throughout the day too.


Throughout this week, please access the materials below:

This will recap the fraction learning we have done in class and will be great for any children who were off during the last week.


Keeping the items in your shop at the same prices as yesterday (multiples of 10).  How many different ways can you find to pay for one item?  For example a ball may cost 20p.  This could be paid for using 1 x 20p, 2 x 10p, 4 x 5p, 2 x 5p and 1 x 10p etc.  (Remember that when using coins, we can not use values that aren't coins, for example 20p cannot be made using 7p, 7p and 6p, as these are not coins).  Can you record these different ways in your maths book?


In Geography, we have been looking at different countries and continents in the world and whether they are hot or cold places depending on how close they are to the equator.  Can you begin a research project that can be completed over the coming weeks, researching different animals and where they originate from around the world. Does this mean that these animals can survive in a hot or cold climate?  How have their bodies adapted to this? Maybe you could complete this project in your orange books, drawing pictures of animals or printing them if you are able to. This will be a project to work on over the next couple of weeks, so please don’t rush and think carefully about presentation. You may also want to present this using PurpleMash if you want to complete this using the computer. Use your creativity and have fun!

And finally ….

If you are able to and have access to some space in the garden or outside, why not try and create a masterpiece like the one below. This is masking tape that has been stuck to a fence. You then use chalks to colour in the different sections, peel of the tape and voila … you have created a masterpiece! Enjoy!

chalk and masking tape art.jpg

Have a wonderful day,

Miss Woodend