It is in giving that we receive.

What a week, I’m sure they are getting quicker and quicker. We are well into the process of writing our Brer Rabbit stories, I have really enjoyed writing mine and then reading the children’s versions. There are some very talented writers and some real resilience to keep going when completing longer pieces of writing like this. Well done children.


This year, as a school, we are raising money for CAFOD. This Lent we are raising money a little differently and will be asking the children to complete helpful jobs around the home in exchange for a little bit of money, which will then be donated to CAFOD. In class we have thought about all the extra jobs that we could try to do at home, so as a family could you please discuss this and agree on a list of tasks and a price list for them. We have thought about tasks like tidying up, making the beds, loading the dishwasher/washing up, vacuuming the carpets, dusting, mopping, sorting out the recycling and taking out the rubbish but we are sure that you could think of lots more as a family. I wish you were all coming home with me Year 4 to make my house look like a palace! You came up with some great suggestions.

This week the extra challenge is to make all the beds in the house—suggested donation 20p.

Please could money for jobs completed each week be brought into school and we will complete a donation chart showing what we have raised as a class. We hope that you will enjoy sharing your ideas as a family and working together to help others in need by supporting CAFOD.

Many thanks in anticipation of your generosity.


Next week 12.3.2020 the children will be completing a personal safety lesson in swimming, they have been asked to bring pyjamas or a long sleeve t-shirt and jogging bottoms. The pyjamas will need to be long sleeves and full length trousers please.

They need to have their swimming costume/trunks, goggles and hat as normal as the clothes will just go over the top of their costume/trunks.

Please be at school at 8.30 am.

A couple of the children in gymnastics lessons at school are saying they have a verruca, so these will need treating and verruca socks for swimming please, thank you.

Let’s celebrate

This week our yoga stars are Bella and Eli.

Our swimming stars are Adam, Lily A and Harvey.

Madame Jefferson chose Jacob, Emma, Lorna-Jane and Clayton to be her French stars this week.

Another week has flown by and so many children have taken up the virtues set for this half term and have some they are grateful and generous. This week I have chosen Aya and Clayton for the certificates.

Aya is a brave Tommy Turtle as she is having a go at so many new activities, she is learning lots more English and is communicating with her friends with confidence. This week all the members of staff who work with Aya have told me about the progress she is making. Well done!

Clayton is a enthusiastic Bobby Bee about absolutely everything in school, he radiates positivity and has an impressive love of learning.  In every single lesson and for every single question I ask (and there are many) I can rely on Clayton to have his hand up ready to share his ideas. Fantastic work Clayton.

As I write this the children are playing outside without the need for hats and scarves, yesterday I heard one of them shout “I love March!” as they ran out into the relative warmth and distinct lack of rain. May the sunshine continue over the weekend, i hope you enjoy some relaxing time with your families.

Miss Edmondson