Year 5 Thursday 2nd April Learning from Home Lessons

Good Morning everyone!!

I hope you enjoyed Wonderful Wednesday and you found time to complete some creative work! Last week I promised to show you a sketch of my Grandad! What do you think?? I’m going to come clean- because you have all seen my art work in class- Mr Hotchkiss did it for me!! I keep it in a frame in the room I’m now working in- it makes me smile! Before you start these tasks decide when you are going to take a break and do some physical exercise!! Good to plan ahead!


Task 1 MATHS - make sure you have COMPLETED all the long division lessons (films) before moving onto this task - see “How to Help at Home button” - maths

Please join in the competition set on your tasks bar on SumDog .Work hard and try to appear on that leader board. I can see all your totals on my dashboard at home- go for it!!!! No help from parents for this one!!!

Task 2 ENGLISH- writing an opening and build - up Click here for sheets to glue in

This lesson goes over two days . So you have today and tomorrow to complete the writing- I want to give you more time so you can write something you are proud of and shows you can apply the grammar skills we have been playing with this year. Before you watch my lesson I would like you to watch this funny short film (it is part of my lesson). If you have younger brothers or sisters sit down and watch it together- it will make them smile. Now watch my teaching film- by the end of tomorrow you should have written a cracking build-up. Please send them to me and I’ll will pop them on our blog! I will be moving on from Sci-Fiction writing for now as we come to the holidays. After Easter I will start a new novel study- Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morporgo

TASK 3 SPELLING Click here for the spelling sheets

I have been trying to figure out how to keep our spelling lessons going. I have decided to make a little film and then place the spellings on Sumdog for you to practice. I have also attached the spellings here for you to printout and cut up and use as flashcards at home. I am then going to set a spelling test on Sumdog this will appear after the Easter Holidays when we start lessons again on Tuesday 14th April.

TASK 4 - READING - Can you reached your target?

Enjoy reading. Jakub, Rhys and Zofia have all reached their targets!!!!! Yeah!!! Can you reach yours? Remember Accelerated Reader has made their electronic library available - to find out more and how to quiz visit our orange “ How to learn at home” button.

Calling on all Nessy children - Please visit your Nessy account for 15/20 minutes each day

THIRD SPACE - well done everyone for successfully logging onto Third Space last week!! You did really well. I have emailed your tutors for a lesson this week on short division without remainders. I know you can do it!!!

Tomorrow I will be posting all your fantastic pictures. You have been busy! Please keep sending me your work everyday this will help you to keep on track. If you are behind- keep doing the maths and English in order and make sure you enjoy the creative lessons on Wonderful Wednesdays.

Pray with the community at 7pm - three Hail Mary’s

God Bless!!