Year 2 Home Learning Challenges for the week - Week Beginning 14.4.20

Good Morning Year 2!

I hope you are all well and had a truly wonderful Easter spending time together as a family. I hope that you also found time to pray in amongst all of that chocolate eating, and took time out to think about Jesus’ sacrifice for us at this time of year.

Are you ready for a new term of learning? I can’t quite believe that we have reached the Summer term! I am missing you all greatly and I am still hoping that we will get some time together before the end of the year. Please keep up that brilliant enthusiasm you all had before the Easter break, you were all working so hard. I can’t wait to receive photographs and updates of your first week back to learning.

Just as I did the week before we broke up, I will be posting English and Maths tasks daily, but other curriculum areas are posted below for you to dip in and out of as you please throughout the week. However, they should all be completed by Friday, ready for a new week of learning. I have attached a PDF version for you to access any links, and have also included the Geography and Science PDFs underneath.

Have a great week and continue to amaze your families with your focus and determination.

Stay safe,

Miss Woodend

Home learning challenges - wb 13.4.20.JPG