Year 4 home learning for Wednesday 15th April


On Monday, we will be watching a LIVE FIELDWORK session produced by EDucation Edu all about soil. I would like you to come up with some really interesting questions about soil - I know you are great at this!

Send me your most interesting one or two on the Purple Mash class blog - I have created a special blog for this topic. You may get a ‘shout out’ during the live session on Monday as I will be sending your questions to the producers!


The story continues…. Go on Purple Mash and read chapter 3 and 4 and do your quizzes!

If you have time, you could complete the spelling, punctuation and grammar learning linked to Chapter 1 and 2. These practise our key skills for Year 4.


Today, please watch and read the slides below all about volcanoes and how they erupt.

Now see if you can explain to an adult what these words mean: crust, core, magma, lava, pressure. Can you explain to an adult how a volcano erupts?

Tomorrow and Friday, you will be writing an explanation text to explain this process.


Today we are learning to find factors. First watch the video below

Now follow my lesson below to learn further. There are activities to complete underneath the lesson.