Year 5 Thursday 16th April Learning From Home

Good morning all ! Thank you for all your emails. Please continue to send me pictures of your work. This week I have received some lovely Geography PowerPoints- thank you. I hope you are enjoying the book we are moving onto Chapter four- Yesterday Michael fell out off the boat at night - what will happen next?

Task one - English - Vocabulary you need to know before your read chapter 4: IMPENETRABLE- too thick to enter. BUOYANCY- able to support through floating. SCREE - steep mass of loose rock. APPREHENSION - suspect misfortune or trouble. ELATED - very happy. INFINITELY MORE SINISTER - endlessly more evil. SURREPTITIOUSLY -acting in a stealthy (careful unseen) way. BRACKISH- unpleasant taste. MELLIFLUOUS - sweet sounding. CACOPHONY - mix of so many different sounds

Chapter four - Gibbons and Ghosts. This is quite a long chapter . I have set a writing response - Writing as Michael. You may want to read the Tasks first before you read and plan your response as you read. I have helped with the planning as we would do this together in class. Enjoy!

Task 2 Maths

Let’s continue with our Mixed and Improper fractions!


Before the holiday I set you the task of learning the ible spellings - I also set up games on Sumdog which allowed you to practice spelling them. I have noticed that very few children have used Sumdog to practice- why not pop on and have some fun now. Tomorrow there will be a spelling test in your task bar for the ible words for you to complete. I can see the results from afar!!