Year 4 Friday 3rd April Home Learning


Today, you are writing your ending to your Dragon Slayer story. You need to think what might have happened to the Dragon Slayer and his little dragon family in the future. Maybe you could use one of our novels as inspiration - what happened at the end of Charlotte’s Web or the Butterfly Lion? Make sure the reader feels happy at the end and the Dragon Slayer is no longer a killer!


Let’s use our extended method for multiplication now with three digit numbers. Fist watch my short video and do a few examples with me.

Then complete the further activities on the sheet below. I will put the answers on from 6.00 tonight! No cheating though!

Purple mash time - conversions.


Have you managed to do a quiz yet this week? Which books have you enjoyed? Why not share what you have read on our class blog. Is there a good book you can recommend?

Weekly activities

How did you get on? Which have you got left to do?