Year 5 Tuesday April 21st Learning From Home

Good Morning Year 5- it is Tuesday today. I know I keep forgetting what day it is too! Tomorrow is Wonderful Wednesday when we get creative with Mrs Curtis! Today we have some tricky fraction work and we continue with our novel during which Michael’’s life is threatened again!!!

TASK 1 Maths

For your warm up today I would like you to play on Sumdog - the task is called fraction consolidation and I have set the target of 20 questions correct. Sumdog and IXL are really useful for me because I am able see your progress and I am keen for you all to do your best!! Once complete click on the film where I have set some deeper thinking challengee YES some are red!!!

Task 2 Chapter 6.

Poor Michael trapped on this island with an old man who doesn’t seem to understand that he is only a child!!! Today you need to open the task first. You have to collect tricky vocab as you read then select 5 words to find the definitions for them. I have attached the text but also a a audio button of me reading if you want to following it with me (mum and dad may be busy)

Task 3 Coding Session 2 - Mrs Hotchkiss makes a surprise appearance!

Remember to be a spider!!! You will need to pause the film and explore what I have done. If we were in class we could really explore one another and share our understanding coders work in teams - we have the extra challenge of being apart!!!

Have fun!!!