Year 5 Learning from home on WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY!!

We take a creative approach to our work today!!

Task 1 Creating a map

We have been reading all about Michael who is sadly stranded on a deserted island. We need to make a map of the island! Think about the features he has described- the two hills, the rocks and stream, the peanut shaped outline, the forest, the caves, the rocking shoreline and the long beaches. Can you make a map? I have attached a video here introducing Ava and Corbin who show you how to make an old treasure map!. They use interesting materials - what can you use around the house to make your map- will it look like Michael’s island?

Task 2 - Timetable Challenge using Sumdog

I have set you the 9’s 11’s and 12’s timetables as a challenge in Sumdog day! You have to get the target of 70 correct answers. Now Alice, Elizabeth and Callum-Sean are rocking it as I can see all your attempts!!! Now they have 100 % across the board accept in 11 and 12 - catch them class! Catch them!!!

Task 3 ART

Mrs Curtis has set us a fantastic task today! Take a look!! You will need a picture from a magazine or clipped off the internet!

Click me to go directly to Sumdog

Click me to go directly to Sumdog

Time for quiet reflection and pray.

Being at school is not just about learning, it is about being with friends and learning about ourselves and others. We have missed those worship sessions when we stop and think, listen and reflect. We also explore our faith in our RE lessons. On Friday you were invited to a shared blog on Purple Mash - Evelin joined in and suggested we make a fortune teller. I reflected on this and thought it would be lovely to make one that helps us to keep Jesus close. I have attached a film to show you how to make it and template for you to use. God Bless Mrs H xx