Year 5 Thursday April 23rd Learning from home

Good Morning everyone! Well done with all the coding. I have had some lovely pictures of you busy at your computers. I have been able to mark this work as I can access your work in Purple Mash! Well done for completing your IXL challenges too- lots of 100’s here. If it gets too tricky and you have got up to 70 or 80 that’s great you don’t have to get to 100. Use your judgement wisely and push yourself without blowing your mind!!


I thought we would start today with English as many of you cannot wait for the next chapter of our class novel!! Today I would like you to read chapter 7 and enjoy it. After that read over pages 99-103. Now draw the Kensuke’s cave with all the detail the writer includes.

Task 2 Maths Equivalent Fractions

Brace yourself this maths continues to fry your brain. Watch the models carefully and notice the patterns. I’m going very slowly through the concept which we will continue next week!

Task 3 - Coding Session 3

Your doing brilliantly with this!!! Let’s crack on!!

Today we move the learning on to if/else and inputs and outputs. I have set three challenges today. Have a look at the guide sheet then watch video one- complete the task. Then watch video 2 and complete the task. Mondays coding session is also on the sheet so take care not to feel overwhelmed follow the films and you’ll be fine!!

Challenge 1 the guard

Challenge 2 and 3 if and else