Year 5 Monday April 27th Learning From Home

Good Morning Year 5. I hope you all had a lovely rest over the weekend! Shall we get cracking?

Task 1 MATHS- EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS (continuing for last week)

Please make sure you do all the maths lessons in order, the IXL and Sumdog and Purple Mash tasks are all there to consolidate the skills taught on the little films - make sure they are completed too.


We return to the dessert Island! Today we find our two survivors together as friends and Kensuke reveals his own back story!

TASK 3 Coding Session 4 Free coding and play today!!!

On Thursday we completed session 3 which had 3 short challenges today is free coding day. I know that the class is split down the middle there is a group of children flying and and a group finding it trickier but you’re being very resilient - which is wonderful. Day I want you to play!!! Play with the code create your own animation. you can draw your own plan and then execute it or you can look at the challenges on the coding guide Sessions 3+4 page 2 (scroll down. Tomorrow I go back to guiding you on film before the Purple Mash teacher takes over! Click on the free coding 2 do and hand it in when you’re ready- you might not finish it today.