Good Morning everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Did you watch any of the VE day virtual events on the television? Well done for completing that research last week! Today I have focused on Maths and English. I’ve have continued with the NCETM lessons just for today as we explore simplification of Fractions. Mrs Hotchkiss takes over again tomorrow! Then on Purple Mash I would like you to carefully redraft your letter from Michael to Michiya.
I have included a PDF timetable of the week to help you to see what is coming up each day. I know so many children need to see the bigger picture. I hope this helps
So last week I set you the task of writing as the character in our novel Kensuke’s Kingdom. Thank you for sending me a picture of your first draft. I would like you to type this letter now into Purple Mash as a final purple penned draft! As few errors as possible.
OK children I would like you to take a look at this short Purple Mash Video. Mrs Gregan and I have been working closely together and we would like you to embrace our Purple Mash Platform further. The teachers are able to read your work here and mark it- which is great for us as we can give constructive feedback for you to respond too. As we all know Isabella insect is reflective- recognizing ways in which she can make her work even better. We simply grow our brains when we reflect like this.
You will notice on the film that I have asked you to take a little time to do some Purple Mash catch up. If you have caught up there is an optional task for you!
If you have forgotten your password to Purple Mash- do not worry this happens to everyone! I have been in contact with everyone’s family via email so I can just quickly email it over to you straight away! It is great that many of you have your own email account- I have loved helping you this way!!