Year 5 Monday May 18th Learning from home

Good morning Year 5 and welcome to the final week of learning for this half term. You have succeeded in learning independently at home for eight weeks!!!!! I’m sure you are missing all your friends but meeting up online. Make sure you all stay save online- tell your trusted adult if you see, hear or read anything that you feel uncomfortable with. I have again created an overview of this weeks learning- there is a theme this week: DEADLY CREATURES!! I thought we should combine our science and English for a change!

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Today we explore adding fraction with a little more depth we then move onto subtracting fractions! Before the end of the week we will be multiplying fractions!


Read the attached text all about deadly creatures. The extract comes from Steve Bagshaw's book “Deadly Mammals” Once you have read the text. I would like you to go into "2-animate” and recreate animation for one of these creatures. On the animation text should appear describing these creatures. Think carefully about the adjectives (describing words) you select make sure they fit the creature (use a thesaurus).


How is your reading coming along? I know it is difficult to take a quiz at the moment if your book doesn’t have one. Darcey and Lila are reading Harry Potter, Ethan has read the Hobbit, I’ve had pictures of the twins holding their books and Annabelle sent me a picture of his new novel last week. In addition, I’ve had to reset targets for three children who all went 100% ! Currently we have 15 children who are over 50% on their target - well done! There are 4 children who haven’t taken the quiz for Kensuke’s Kingdom - make sure you do that today!

We are approaching a holiday and we always ensure that reading is the priority as we take a break from formal learning. To prepare for this I would like you to make a short video (just like the one you did for Mrs Kennedy) and send it to me. On the video I would like you to hold up a book you would highly recommend and why (keep it short). Hopefully, other children will choose to read your recommendation. Or take a picture of you reading your book- make sure we can see the front page!

If you don’t have any new books at home- re-read or ask mum and dad to organise e-books it is easy to download amazon Kindle and then get the book that way instead.