Hello Year 3
I have just been checking and marking all of your coding work on Purple Mash, I hope there will be more later on today too. I just wanted to say how impressed I am with your coding work, at the beginning of the unit quite a few commented to me that you found it hard and now your coding work is fantastic. You have been Sadie Spiders and made me feel very proud of your resilience.
To show off this work to others I have made a Year 3 Coding display board (like the one that was made for your poem reviews yesterday). You can share your work - either work you are going to complete in the next couple of hours/days or work you have already completed and handed in. This means you will be able to play other children’s coding games. Try and share the ones you have used a bit of creativity with and made your own.
To share new work
Save it.
Press share and then share to a display board.
Share to the Year 3 Coding display board.
To share work already completed
Open up your 2dos by pressing the 2do button at the top.
Find the coding you would like to share and press the open work button.
Share it as above.
Remember I have to approve it so you will need to check back later or tomorrow to see if yours is there. Make sure you have a look at your friends work on both of our boards (Coding and poem reviews). I have approved the poem reviews from yesterday, again some brilliant work Year 3, so you can click on your friend’s work and even hear some of their voices.