Year 4 Home Learning Thursday 21st May


Today you have a Fractions assessment to complete. As last time, I would like you to send me your mark please and let me know how you found it. What do you still need to practise with fractions?

Then underneath is my video showing you how I worked them out so you can watch this with your ‘purple pen’ in your hand - ready to correct any errors - make sure you understand where you went wrong.


Today, I would like you to write another limerick. This time it could be about anything of your choice. It could be about you! It could be about a brother or sister (as long as it is kind!!) It could be about a pet, a book character, your favourite food, a star wars character, the weather, lockdown, a learning character, your favourite animal…

I have set it on Purple Mash again and this time I have done more than one page in case you are really inspired and want to write lots. Here is one about my favourite animals - I can’t stop thinking in limericks now!!!!!

My favourite animal is a hummingbird,

Next a pufferfish, then owl coming third.

I do like a seahorse,

And cats of course.

Jinxy cat heard that and just purred!
