Year 5 learning Tuesday 12th May Learning from Home

Good Morning Year 5! Shall we get cracking!!


Today we recap on simplifying fractions and explore some deeper thinking! First things first though lets get warmed up with our daily fluency questions!

Mrs Kennedy as a child.jpg

We need to say a proper goodbye to a wonderful lady!!


As you will have seen on this weeks newsletter posted by Miss Hornby, Mrs Kennedy has retired. This was a decision that she took a while back but something she didn’t share with the class as we thought we would be able to celebrate properly! It is with great personal sadness that the time Mrs Kennedy and I spent together teaching was brought to such an abrupt and unexpected end. Mrs Kennedy has lots of wonderful adventures planned which she hope she will be able to do in the future. Dear children I would like you to send a picture or a short film saying thank and goodbye to Mrs Kennedy so we can post it on the News around school and send it to her personally. The teachers are looking forward to the day when we can celebrate with her together. I’m sure you will agree with me that all those fun moments we shared with her will be forever cherished.

Pop your picture or film onto an email@


This year we have taken part in a number of class debates. We learnt all about affirmative arguments and rebuttals. In fact we got rather good at setting up the classroom and jumping into a debate. Well I was thinking about Michael in Kensuke's Kingdom. His mum and dad decided to take him away from school for a whole year. They planned to take him around the world but they would home school him - boat school him- at the same time. You too have been learning virtually from home, what do you think are the positives of learning at home/virtually are and what are the negatives. I have set a template in Purple Mash for you to complete. It is only set up for three key points, but you may to write more- watch the brief film to find out how. You may want to have a good chat about this debate with your family over dinner- I bet they have opinions you may not have thought about yet!

Did you spot my parentheses?


Final task of the day - is English Grammar- do you remember modal verbs. These verbs indicate possibility. Instead of saying;

Mrs Kennedy is day to leave. We may say Mrs Kennedy may be sad to leave. Learning at home could bring many benefits….

Complete IXL English D4