Year 5 Tuesday 16th June Learning from Home

Good Morning everyone! I hope your enjoying the drama challenge set this week- remember you have to film yourself and send the movie to me with permission form your parents to it to be used by the RSC and the Grand Theatre Blackpool.

TASK 1 MATHS Multiplying a non-unit fraction by a whole number

We continue from where we left off yesterday. We are now multiplying a non-unit fraction with a whole number! You will become more confident as we progress!!

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How are your lines coming along. Yesterday you were given this drama challenge. Make sure you know the lines and then speak them with real meaning into the camera. Remember Petrochio is being sly and Kate is furious!!! I have given extra time for this task this week I am hoping your performances will be so good that the RSC will use your film at the festival in July! For the script and instruction film revisit yesterdays blog.


Let’s return to Tom and find out what its like living with his aunt and uncle!


Sports day continued!!! Strap those trainers on here we go!!!