Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Tuesday 16th June

Welcome to another Tuesday of learning Year 2. Here are today’s activities:


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day. Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books.


Day 2:

Read the opening extract of ‘The Koala Who Could’ by clicking the front cover.

Make a list of all the reasons why Kevin the Koala chose not to move or to change.

Watch and listen to the story here up to 4:09 mins:

Imagine you are one of the wild animals trying to convince Kevin to come down from his tree. What might you say to him to persuade him? Write a persuasive speech to shout up to Kevin in his treetop! Try to include lots of reasons – you can use some of the ideas listed earlier in the book too!

You might want to use some of the following sentences or sentence starters to help you:
Kevin, I really do think you should come down from the tree now!
First of all ...
Another reason is …
Have you thought about …?
What if …?
When you come down, …
If you come down, …
Finally …

Remember to try and reassure Kevin – you are writing as if you are one of his friends!

Rehearse each sentence before you write it down to check it makes sense. Don’t forget to go back and read through your work to check for spelling and punctuation.

Enjoy watching and listening to the end of the story – up to 5:55 mins. What lesson does Kevin learn?

Oxford Owl Spellings

Choose a spelling rule to focus on today.


Watch the Video below -’ Lesson 2 - Describing Turns’ and complete the activity attached.


Classify and sequence shapes


Which sections do you have left to complete? Have a look and see how many you can get through.

Hit the Button

Practise your mental maths by clicking the link below:

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning and to complete today’s Sports Day Challenge!

Enjoy your day,

Miss Woodend