Year 5 Friday June 12th Learning from Home

Good morning Year 5 - Final day of the week this week. Please keep sending pictures of your work to show how hard you have been working - I love to email you back!

TASK 1 MATHS - multiplying fractions today!!

Don’t worry this is not as bad as it may sound in fact I think you’ll find this easier than subtraction!!


Today we move onto unit 7 of our RWI books. We are investigating words ending in ence! I have also set up the words on Sumdog for you to practice all week instead of just next Wednesday-Friday. That way you’ll smash that spelling test next Friday

TASK 3 - Animation Challenge! on Purple Mash

This will be our third animation challenge, can you recreate the events of April 14th 1912 through film?

Have a lovely weekend with family- thank you for re-engaging with your learning. I am taking advantage of the extra time I have to learn about other aspects of teaching that I often don’t have time to. I have been attending “webinair” lessons for teachers - learning things that seem hard at first and then I can see how I can use it to help in school!

Learning is such a gift!