Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Wednesday 24th June

Here are Wednesday’s home learning tasks. Enjoy!


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day. Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books.


Day 3:

Read and enjoy the opening extract from ‘The Day the Crayons Came Home’ by Drew Daywalt and illustrated by Oliver Jeffers by clicking the front cover below:

You can listen and enjoy the whole book here:

Imagine you are another item in Duncan’s pencil case, e.g. a ruler, pencil sharpener, highlighter pen, biro. Write a postcard to Duncan to add to the collection sent to him.

Think about: What job did you originally have in the pencil case? Did you enjoy your job? Might you have any memorable stories to remind Duncan of? What has happened to you since you were last with Duncan? E.g. Have you been travelling to any exciting places? What might you like to ask Duncan now?

As if you are the ruler, pencil sharpener, highlighter etc. write your postcard to Duncan.

Rehearse each sentence out loud before you write to check it makes sense. Keep reading your work as you write to check for spelling and punctuation too.

If you can, send your finished postcard to me! I could then end up with a class set of postcards from various pencil case items! I can’t wait!

Oxford Owl Spellings

Choose a spelling rule to focus on today.


Watch the learning video and then complete the activities below.


Which sections do you have left to complete? Have a look and see how many you can get through.

Purple Mash

I have set two games on Purple Mash for you to play this week:

Bond Bubbles and Sequence Snake


Unfortunately at the end of this week, our SumDog subscription will come to an end. Therefore this week, you can just simply enjoy playing the games that you have loved using in your learning throughout your time at home.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

Have a wonderful day!

Miss Woodend