Year 5 Awe and Wonder Wednesday - Hinduism

In class during the summer term Year 5 study other great faiths alongside Christianity. Over these next last three weeks (with Mrs H) we will take a different faith each Wednesday. Today we will investigate Hinduism. It is so important that we understand and celebrate other cultures and faiths - we grow to understand how we are all different and so similar at the same time. I hope you enjoy finding out more. These lessons always nurture curiosity and we discover all the different faiths celebrated within our own families. I have made a short introductory film which explains how you will use BBC Bitesize

TASK 1 - Hinduism watch the film and find out more!

TASK 2 - PE challenge!

You may be exhausted after last weeks SPORTING MARATHON! But I bet your ready for some more moving and shaking! Click on the button to link to Mrs Gregan and the Lancashire teams new challenge!


Time to chill out and relax as we visit Mrs Curtis and our Year 5 art page- What she got in store for us today?