Lunchtimes return

We were so happy to see some of the children back in school this week, the ladies and I have certainly missed you all and can’t wait until we are all back together again, as one big family. We must say, the children have settled into the new routines superbly and it has been lovely to be able to wave to one another from afar.

Table of the Week: Table of the week will return when all the children are back together again.

Role Model of the Week: The ladies have found it impossible to choose this week, as all the children within each bubble have been absolutely amazing. So we have decided to give it to ALL of the children. They are an absolute credit to you and we are so proud of them! Thank you children!

Jaqui’s Marvellous Manners: Again, Jaqui, Sharon and Francis, have found it impossible to pick out one child. The children have been so polite and have used their manners constantly throughout the week, showing their appreciation. So this week ALL the children receive the accolade for Marvelous Manners. Thank you so much children, you really do make lunchtimes a very special time of the day.

Have a lovely weekend

God Bess

The Lunchtime Team