Welcome back Year 1!

This week has been so wonderful, for so many reasons. The children returned on Monday, with the biggest smiles on their little faces. Some were a little bit quiet at first, but within no time their giggles, smiles and chatter filled up the classroom! It has been a true gift to watch their faces light up when they have been reunited with friends. They loved sharing their experiences and adventures of learning from home.

I could not have been more excited to teach your children again. I have been blown away with the progress that has been made, particularly with the children’s reading and maths! I cannot thank you enough for all of the learning you have been doing with the children at home. Thank you!

As I could not welcome back all of my lovely year 1’s into my own bubble, some of the children have been having a taster of what it to come, in the Year 2 classroom. Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly have been so impressed with the children in their bubble and their enthusiasm for growing their brains. Whilst Year 1 have not all been together in the same bubble, they have loved waving to their friends across the field, at break times and grinning to one another when we eat lunch together. This week the children have created their own Mr Men characters, practised partitioning/comparing numbers up to 100 and have loved creating obstacle courses at break times. They have worked their socks off!

I hope you enjoy looking through the photos of the children learning from school and at home! Sadly, some of the children’s photos don’t seem to have successfully copied onto my laptop. I will add them into next weeks montage!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Lane