Year 4 Tuesday 9th June Home learning


Today you are going to research facts about Martin Luther King. Read the information from the following websites and watch the video of his speech ‘I’ve been to the mountain top.’

Vocabulary that you might need to explore today – equality, boycott, tolerant, entitled, segregation.

Today you are going to write a quiz for your family and friends based on the life of Martin Luther King.

I have set you this task on Purple Mash in 2quiz. As you have never used this before, you will need to watch some help videos. Click on the icon like this at the top of the Purple Mash screen to watch help videos:

video button.JPG

As there are many types of quiz question (all with help videos) I would just like you to focus on two question types - text and image and MCQ (multiple choice questions) Watch the introduction video then the video for these types of question.

Then make your quiz!!

Try to include some of the new vocabulary you have learnt in your questions. Test your quiz out on your family at home or your friends.


Today please watch Week 1 (not Summer) Lesson 2 Tenths as decimals then complete the sheets below it. Finally, mark it using the answer sheet. Ask a grown up if stuck.