Today you are going to research facts about Greta Thunberg. Read the information from the following websites and watch Greta Thunberg's speech to world leaders at the UN Climate Action Summit.
Create a mini biography for Greta. (A biography is the story of someone’s life). Scan the texts to find important dates and numbers, e.g. date of birth, key ages or dates when things have happened in her life. Read sections carefully (close reading) to find out the following: • Where was Great Thunberg born? • What is she so passionate about? • Why is she inspirational? Rather than copying chunks of the text from the websites, try to put the information into your own words. If you find any unfamiliar vocabulary, note that down and use a dictionary, e.g. https://www.wordhipp o.com/ to find the definition.
Try to include some Year 4 sentence types, e.g. fronted adverbials for where or when. eg, A few years later, … From New York, … Make sure you watch my video below to remind yourself of Year 4 grammar.
Once you have finished, check your work back through. Make sure that you have used correct punctuation. If you have used a fronted adverbial, make sure you have put a comma after it.
Today please watch Week 1 (not Summer) Lesson 3 Tenths on a place value grid then complete the sheets below it. Finally, mark it using the answer sheet. Ask a grown up if stuck.
I believe some people have finished ALL their weekly activities already which is WONDERFUL! There will be an extra activity on each day for those children that have completed everything!
Let’s learn about the teaching of the apostles and see how it influences us. Read the slides below and complete the two tasks in your books.