A message from Mrs Lyons!

Thanks for a lovely week!

Even though I couldn’t meet most of you in person, I do feel that we have got to know each other and I cannot wait to teach you in September. We will have a super year!

Thank you for all your hard work this week and I am sure you have reflected well about the type of learner you want to be! I loved all your slideshows and below is a video of some of your work this week - see if you can spot some friends!

I am handing you back to your Year 3 class teacher for the last week of the year next week.

Have a really lovely Summer and make sure you work towards your goal that you set. Keep reading every day! Next Friday, we will put a list of things you can be practising in the Summer.

But for now, goodbye and have a good final week,

Mrs Lyons x P.S Happy birthday to Kiefer and to Jayden on Monday!!!