Year 4 Home learning Thursday 16th July

Dear Year 4 - this is our last day of me leading your online learning - our last day together. Tomorrow we are celebrating together as a whole school!

Please make sure you watch my three videos today - one is just to say goodbye - so make sure you scroll down to the very bottom of the page!


Today we are going to have fun looking at themes within all our amazing novels we looked at together. Thor makes an appearance today!


Celebrating Year 4

Create a mind map of all your amazing Year 4 learning in Purple Mash. Include your memories too. Watch the quick video below so I can show you how.

Faith Filled and Hopeful

Let’s look at this final message and make a Mary acrostic poem. Keep it on your wall to remember to say your 3 Hail Mary’s each night throughout the Summer.


Before you reach the holiday this weekend it is really important you make reading over the break a priority.

The Lancashire Library Service is here to help!! Please click on the link to find out more and then click on the next button to link directly to “The Silly Squad” page.
