Year 1 Learning 29.6.20

The children have had another wonderful week of learning from school and at home. Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about place value to 100 and the children have worked their little socks off. I am so proud of each and every one of them for their resilience and creativity, when problem solving.

The children loved making rockets this week and writing instructions on how to make them. They also learned about the miracle of Jesus healing a blind man and thought deeply about how we are all precious in different ways. The children have continued to read, read, read and there are now children in the class independently reading chapter books! What an achievement!

Next week will be my final week teaching your wonderful children in school (apart from those in the key worker group). I am so looking forward to spending a special week with them. Knowing how ready they all are for Year 2 makes it a little easier, although I will miss them all very much! Miss Woodend will be taking over the year 1 blog next week and I will be back the week after, for our very final week of learning.

Have a joyful weekend and God bless,

Miss Lane