Welcome to Year 6 - Day 4 of Induction Week

Good morning Year 5 - welcome to Thursday’s learning. We will be continuing our work on coordinates today and starting to think about our autobiographies - the planning stage is really important in any piece of writing. I have added some Geography in there too…South America will be our first geography topic.

Keep your learning photos coming through.

Have a wonderful day of learning!

Maths - Coordinates Year 6 Lesson 2

Welcome to your second lesson of the week. You all had a really good go at our first lesson yesterday and I saw some wonderful work.

Today we are adding in reflection into the coordinate work…see how you get on.

English - Your Autobiography

An autobiography is a story about someone’s life - over the next two days, you will be planning and writing your own autobiography. Today is all about planning - what are you going to share? How are you going to keep it chronological? What specific details are you going to tell?

These are your points that you need to include in your planning:

  • The Very Beginning - Your earliest memories and family

  • Values - What are your values? What is important to you? Where did you learn your values?

  • Education - What has your education been like?

  • Hobbies and Interests - What are your interests? What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

  • Your life now - How are you feeling about Year 6? What are you excited about? What are your targets for next year?

We will be planning today and using a connect document on Purple Mash to plan our ideas. Tomorrow, you will be then turning your planning into a piece of writing. This is a new piece of software for you so be PATIENT and TAKE YOUR TIME to make your document brilliant! I have made you an explanation video so that you can refer to it as you make yours.

Geography - South America and the Rainforest

Our first geography topic in Year 6 will be South America. I know you have looked at North America this year so this will be a nice comparison for you to make. We do not look at rainforests specifically as part of the unit of work but it is really important to know the basics about them. Can you produce a poster about what a rainforest is and in particular, The Amazon Rainforest.

Make your work eye - catching and link it to the brief.

You can choose how you make your poster: computer, in your book or on a piece of paper, the choice is yours. Keep hold of this work or email it across to me so that I can use it in class.

Year 5 and 6 common exception words

Something that you can continue to practise and look at whilst at home is the Year 5 and 6 spelling list. Use the sheet that I have attached here to continually familiarise yourself with them and become proficient in them. There are some really tricky words in this list. Use your time wisely and master them. I would like to see you use them in your writing come September.