Good morning our Super Stars.
What a busy week we have had, it has whizzed by as we have had so much fun! It really has been lovely to start getting to know you all, we hope you have enjoyed the week too.
The work you have been producing has been fantastic, we are really pleased with you. Do you feel proud of yourself?
We hope that by getting to know us a little bit more and having a taster of Year 3 that we have eased any of those niggling worries you sometimes get in your tummy when something new is happening. We had those too, but now we all just feel eager to teach you and be back together at school. We know you will be brilliant.
Thank you to you parents for embracing the new challenges and supporting your children through this week, we really appreciate the time it has taken to email and send photos. It has been a pleasure!
The new Year 3 team
My learning Characters
Now that you have watched the videos of all the stories from our learning characters we would like you to reflect on which character you think you are already most like. Talk about this with a grown up, is it Tommy Turtle because you are eager to give anything a go? Is it Roger Robin because you work well with partners and in a team?
Then reflect on and discuss which learning character you would like to be more like in Year 3, is it Sadie Spider because you sometimes give up if you can’t do something straight away? Is it Kiki Chameleon because you would like to be better at trying different approaches to learning?
On Purple Mash there is a 2do set for you called Learning characters. I would like you to write which learning character you feel you are most like already and why, then which you aim to be more like in year 3 and why. Include an image of each animal to go alongside your writing.
Am I Year 3 ready?
Now that you are almost in the juniors we need to make sure you are ‘Junior ready’. What kind of things do juniors need to be able to do you think? Discuss this with a grown up and decide on at least one thing you would like to work towards until we get back to school in September. Here are some suggestions of things that your junior teachers would like you to be able to do.
· Tie your shoelaces yourself.
· Know your 2, 5 and 10 times tables off by heart and in a random order.
· Tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes e.g. 25 past 6, 10 to 4 etc.
· Know your number bond pairs to 10 and 20 instantly.
· Form your letters in a cursive style.
· Spell your last name and your address.
· Read and spell the Year 1 and 2 common exception words (click the button below to see them).
Once you have decided what you are going to work on make a start on it today and get practising for 45 minutes, either in one go or in small chunks of time.
Positive quote art
Each morning I like to add a positive quote to our morning board to start our day the right way. Today I would like you to have a think of a positive quote that you can make into a colourful piece of art work. We will put a new one up in our classroom each week to inspire us. Maybe your family have a mantra you try to live by, maybe a parent or grandparent says something to help you be a kind brother or sister. You could use that as your quote, or find a new one you agree with and hope our class can follow to make year 3 a happy team to be part of.
Here is mine.
If you are struggling to think of one, or find one I usually type ‘positive quotes for children’ into my search engine and get lots of good ones. Please complete this on a piece of A4 paper and keep it somewhere safe.
Thank you for a lovely week children.
Photos will be made into a little montage video at some point today, if they could be sent before lunch that would really help us out, thank you.
Miss Edmondson, Miss Brisco and Miss Woodrow