Year 4 Thursday 9th July Learning from Home with Mrs Hotchkiss

Thank you for all your thoughtful work related to our beautiful planet!!

Today we turn to our first topic in Year 5 - The Ancient Greeks! I believe you love history and you know all about the Vikings!!! At the beginning of Year 5 we study the Ancient Greeks. Unlike other groups in Ancient times these people didn’t really live in one country together. Greece is so mountainous and has thousands of islands that the population was split into lots of smaller cities. It was not easy to travel form one to the other and each island and “City State” had its own ruler and laws. These cities sometimes fought against one another too. We study the Ancient Greeks because so many parts of their culture (the way they lived) has influenced the way we live today (democracy and the Olympic games)! They were also great mathematician and inventors - they even invented the idea of history itself - recording events for people in the future to learn from.


Grab your English book ready to make notes. Write this subheading:

Who were the Ancient Greeks? Now click on the button to visit the BBC Bitesize page. Write down what you have learnt from this reading.


Once the Ancient Greeks moved past the dark ages they began to work more closely together and they invented the Olympic games!!! Again place a subheading in your English book and write down the key information for the BBC Bitesize page! Take this learning further. Click onto the Purple Mash link and visit your 2do’s here you will find a fact sheet to complete all about the Olympics - use your research to complete it!


The Ancient Greeks are not the only civilization to love sport! Girls we can join in this PE!!!! The Lancashire team have set us a new PE challenge this week. Click on the link below to take you to our school sports page. Mrs Gregan has faithfully helped us all stay active - thank you Mrs G !


One of the reasons we know so much about the Ancient Greeks is because Archaeologists has used artifacts and ruins to piece together a clearer picture (just like detectives). The Ancient Greeks used a lot of pottery and on those vases and jars they drew pictures of Live in Ancient Greece. Click on the button to study pictures of real ancient vases - can you see how they depict the Olympic games? I have also gven you a blank vase to print out or copy so that you can produce a vase of your own- what part of Ancient Greek life will you show? Take care with colour you have to use Brown/orange and black!!!


Time for you to visit Year 5 on IXL!!! Please complete J1 and J2 - remember click on Year 5 and not Year 4!!

If you have completed all the tasks today and have time to continue with your learning click the optional extra below: