Year 5 Homework - to be handed in on Thursday 17th September


We have settled into our reading and we are just establishing our reading routines in class. The children have all received their ZPD codes and new targets set on the ACR scheme. Reading is always the priority when it comes to homework - the gateway to new worlds and new understanding!


We have been cracking on with numbers up to 100,000. Can you complete A13 on IXL (make sure you have 100 on A1 and A2 which we completed on Wednesday too).

Each half term we will have a timetable focus and mental maths skill to secure. These will appear on the homework too. To familiarize yourself with your table facts please have a go at D1.


Over the next few weeks I will be asking the children to complete a piece of homework on the Greeks. These tasks will focus on how the Ancient Greek culture influences modern live today.

This week I would like the children to research the origin of the Olympic games - using this information complete the task set in Purple Mash.

English Grammar

Please complete I1 nd I2 (Year 5) of IXL English. Apostrophes for contraction. We have revised them this week.

If you have time!!

Different learning moments pop up in class and I will say to the children I’ll pop that on your homework. This week we learnt about Helen Keller - the disability rights activist. There is a film about her life called “The miracle worker”. It is a film to watch with your child if you think appropriate. They were curious in class.

We have also been reading legends this week. We read “The Sword in the Stone”. This too is a film and can be watched independently!!